Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Garrison Keillor in Viroqua, WI

While doing some trout fishing this fall - I saw a sign that said Garrison Keillor speaking here today. I could not believe it. Garrison Keillor was going to be in Viroqua.
So I stopped fishing and got in line. I was a little familiar with Keillor because my Dad was a big fan. So I called my Dad and told him I was going to see Keillor. My Dad was thrilled for me.
Anyway - Keillor was in Viroqua to promote the opening of a little public radio station that was opening in the town. He was speaking at one of the Lutheran churches in town. Lutheran's are a favorite topic for Keillor so it made sense - at least to me.
At the end of interview Keillor was asked if he wanted to sing another song or recite a poem. He choose to lead the congregation in singing. It was unprompted really when he began to sing - It is Well With My Soul. A few of us joined in. And before we knew it the whole church was singing this great hymn. No hymnals were used. No instruments. Just voices.
The song ended and the host - who I thought looked uncomfortable through the singing - tried to put an end to it - Keillor would have none of it - he began to sing again - this time choosing the hymn - How Great Thou Art. Once again the room was filled with singing. Keillor was the choir director.
It was as if we were having church in Lake Wobegon. The song was done all to soon - and the host began to escort him off the stage. As if to say - we don't want anymore - when Keillor as he walked off began to sing - AMEN - once again the church was not going to be silent.
This picture is of Keillor leading the singing. What an amazing moment. Almost as fun as catching a trout. Almost.
Nikon d90
Nikon 70-200


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