Our church has this wonderful photo club. We started this club to meet people - justify our obsession - and have a good time - learn some great stuff about photography...that kind of stuff.
So today we went to the World Famous Henry Doorly Zoo. So did everyone else in Omaha...first day in a long time where it was in the 40's. And yes I road my motorcycle !!!
We did have a great time and I have to say that my photos where pretty weak. I did like this guy a lot.
My excuse was that I spent a lot of time helping others get really good shots. And did I mention that there was a lot of people there.
I am thankful that I lost 20 pounds lugging my stuff around the butterfly house and the rain forest. How humid does it have to be?
Hope everyone had a good time - I sure did.
If you are in the Omaha area and are looking for a photo club to meet new people - what I said earlier - then check out StoneBridgeonline.net. We have updates on our website - we also have a facebook site but I do not know what that is.
Nikon d7000
Nikon 70-200
I had a blast! We got the family pass, so I'm sure we'll make several more trips.
Good idea on the family pass - can't you take a friend with you now? keep me in mind.
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